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Crazy For Containers- 
thanks for a successful fundraiser!
Orders are now closed for 2024


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"Learn to Labor and to Wait" 

                                                              H.W. Longfellow

The Weeders is a community that offers 

the opportunity to participate in horticultural, artistic,

environmental, and civic endeavors.

By serving on committees, entering flower shows, and

attending a variety of programs and workshops, every

Weeder can develop new skills and become better informed,

enriching her own life as well as the lives of others.

This site is undergoing renovation. Most pages will still be viewable as we edit the organization and design. Bear with us as we make improvements!


H.W. Longfellow

The Weeders is a community that offers the opportunity to participate in horticultural, artistic, environmental, and civic endeavors.  By serving on committees, entering flower shows, and attending a variety of programs and workshops, every  Weeder can develop new skills and become better informed,

enriching her own life as well as the lives of others.

All Images © 2024

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