When Mrs. Rosen’s health no longer permitted such grueling work, others pitched in, but the once orderly borders were increasingly threatening to go wild. When a Weeder who had helped out at the garden occasionally learned that the garden was in danger of going rogue, she proposed that The Weeders take it on as a community maintenance and restoration project, as there are many club members in the Township. The project was formally adopted in the 2011-12 program year, and efforts are ongoing.
The Gazebo Garden in Bryn Mawr

Back in 1997 there existed a thoroughly dilapidated public garden in the center of Bryn Mawr, just south of The Ludington Library. An intrepid woman named Sarah Rosen, described in a Philadelphia Inquirer article as a “guerrilla gardener” perceived this mess as an opportunity, and so began a gargantuan task. Almost single-handedly she took on the weeds and created deep borders along the southern and eastern boundaries of that field, filling them with perennials, shrubs and trees. Various other groups and neighbors pitched in over the years, but it was truly one person's labor of love. Along about 2005, the Township erected a handsome gazebo on the property, and hundreds of residents now enjoy regular Saturday twilight concerts throughout the summer.