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Mary MorganblankScreen Shot 2018-07-03 a
Mary MorganblankScreen Shot 2018-07-03 a

Conservation in the News: January 2019

By Martha Edwards

Conservation Library 

(recommended reading)

I always welcome your thoughts.These are a sample of articles that comes across my desk constantly. OMG!  No one is  REQUIRED TO READ THIS INFORMATION! It is provided for your benefit and information. Period. FULL STOP.  In that spirit,  I have added a Summary, which  is separate from the main Newsletter.  It has been renamed:  “Curious about Conservation in the News?”.  

Also in this issue I have included  links to check out the recycling information for Chester, Montgomery, Delaware and Philadelphia Counties. 

    The Newsletter  has grown based on comments people have made, and my own enthusiasm for the ideas in the fine print of each article.   I have added pictures and cartoons. I have pointed out where there are VIDEOS.

  I am exploring trips and lectures. STAY TUNED! Again, if any of you have  thoughts about a conservation project you’d like to pursue, please let me know!   

  Finally, I would like to point out that over the past year, I have tried to pull together books and magazines that are of interest.  I have called it the Conservation “Library”.    I included the Amazon link for your review so you can buy them. Ideally, we might show where they are owned by a real library, be it a public or a private college. There are also links to information on the GCA website.  There are many more that I simply haven’t had the opportunity to add, and if you know of some that are not mentioned, I love to learn  and hope you will tell me about them!

Mary MorganblankScreen Shot 2018-07-03 a

H.W. Longfellow

The Weeders is a community that offers the opportunity to participate in horticultural, artistic, environmental, and civic endeavors.  By serving on committees, entering flower shows, and attending a variety of programs and workshops, every  Weeder can develop new skills and become better informed,

enriching her own life as well as the lives of others.

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