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Meeting Minutes


January 9, 2018

St. David's Church

Devon, PA


President Jackie Burke welcomed members to the January 9th meeting at 10:00am held at St. David’s Church in Devon.
Many thanks to Meeting Chairs Wendy Calhoun and Lois Renthal, who filled in for Sandy Cadwalader and to Hostesses Elaine Lisle and Judy Fraizier.
Welcome to our newest member Jen Fryberger!
Review of December 12, 2017 Minutes:  Motion was made and seconded to accept the December minutes.  Minutes approved.
Treasurer’s Report: In Nancy Evans absence, Jackie reported that the December Christmas brought in $1,739.00. After expenses we netted $1.349.00. The final numbers for the Weeder Fundraiser is $5,399.65.  We are off to a good start for 2018 with $12,044.86 in the bank and $32,230.0 in the Vanguard account. Budget attached.
Fertilizer Fund:  So far, we have donations from 53 member (65%) for a total of $4,031.  Deadline is February1st. If you haven’t donated yet there is still time to get your donation in as we strive for 100% participation. 
Shirley Meneice Horticulture Conference:  Nancy Holmes gave a presentation on her attendance at the SMHC held in Omaha, Nebraska September 24-26, 2017.  She called the conference an “extraordinary experience” and an excellent conference to attend as a new Weeder. From the lectures and workshops to the visits to the Glazier Creek Preserve and the Lauritzen Gardens, the conference was full of tremendous learning opportunities, including the ability to meet and interact with fellow Zone V members.  The Horticulture Committee reports provided her with tremendous insight into the role of The Horticulture Committee of the GCA and how it relates to the Weeders. (Nota bene:  The electronic copy of the Winter 2018 Bulletin was received via email just after our Weeder meeting.  Follow the link to read an excellent overview of all of the activities of the SMHC:
The 2018 SMHC will be held at Longwood Gardens September 13th-15th, The West Chester Garden Club is serving a Vice Chair/Host of the meeting. It is unknown at this time what role/activities the Weeders might be asked to participate in. 
Awards – Patricia Doolittle reminded members that the Esther Lloyd Morton Award Book will be given at the Bi-Annual Meeting (previously held annually) in June 2018.  This award may be given to a member of the Weeders who, in the opinion of Club members, has accomplished an outstanding piece of work, during this year or any other year, having to with garden club interest.  Suggestions for awardees should be sent to the Executive Committee.
6th Annual Weeder Potluck Supper – Lorraine Wallace advised us to be watching for the e-invite to the annual pot luck held at her home.  The date is January 18, 2018 and begins at 6:00pm. 
Horticulture- Alice Doering reminded folks to check the PHS Challenge Plant that is lurking in your fridge. It should be removed from the fridge and allow to slowly warm up.  Same for those who are forcing bulbs - take a look at them and if they are sprouting remove them from the cold and allow warm up to begin.
Photography – Melissa Bullitt reminded everyone that March 5th is the deadline to submit photography entries.  Feel free to bring them to the February meeting if or call Melissa or Nancy Evans if you have questions.
Program Committee – Karen Doyle will be setting up a meeting to start work on programs for 2018/2019.
The Executive Committee Meeting scheduled for January 23rd will be at the home of Patricia Doolittle.  Be on the lookout for a reminder.
PROGRAM: Karen Doyle introduced our speaker, Jenny Love, owner of Love N’ Fresh Flowers in Philadelphia.  Her talk, “Backyard Bouquets”, was filled with photographs of her beautiful bouquets using fresh, seasonal flowers that she grows on her farm.  She included lots of tips for growing fresh flowers (annuals and perennials), storage of peonies and tulips to delay bloom, when to cut, water etc. The Weeders had lots of great and relevant questions and Jenny’s talk was a huge hit!
She kindly shared her presentation along with her workshop schedule both of which are attached.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy H Holmes
Recording Secretary

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